At Hart Square
Oct 27 '12
At Meg's wedding
Allyson, Julie and Tanya ham it up at the rehearsal
Meg's wedding dress - awesome! Made from parts of
her mother's wedding dress "upcycled" into a new dress -
Buck and PJ at the rehearsal dinner
at the park
lining up the rocks in the driveway
We made a sign for Halloween in case we couldn't watch
out for Ty- the cutout pirate who would guard over our candy dish.
It said, "argh! don't swipe all me booty!"
We didn't end up using the Tyrate.
building a jack-o-lantern at her
HMS Fall Festival |
Ulrike works with beads
PJ |
Ulrike, Marie and Winn at dinner
learning about video games at Sophie's party
with Chastity, riding Cherokee