Catching Up... from Holidays to Hot Days

early birds... February, back yard

Miss Lucy

Easter boots
Uncle Buck swings a club in the background
hairbow shopping with Gee at Dillard's-
sitting in Fran's trunk on the way to Asheville
church dress

sitting on Bobby and Gee's wall -

on the way to the ballet with Gee
happy baby

T Hoff's violin from when he was three

Mom's birthday shindig - June
Gee's terrific birthday cake for Mom

Aunt Tanya gets ahold of the butterfly outfit

buried up to her neck by cute little Michael L, her new best friend

hairbow shopping with Gee at Dillard's-
oops, is that your child, ma'am?

sitting on Bobby and Gee's wall -

on the way to the ballet with Gee

T Hoff's violin from when he was three

lying next to me on the sofa
Fourth of July at Emerald Isle

Aunt Tanya gets ahold of the butterfly outfit

buried up to her neck by cute little Michael L, her new best friend

Aunt Tanya's great photo - a contest winner!
Sue's awesome cupcake cake for Tanya's birthday

our favorite: Miss Mary L
Winnie has learned how to count.. not just recite the numbers. Her reward for counting correctly is tickling. She is very tall now and certainly has a mind of her own. She loves the beach, Edward Scissorhands, high heels, cherry tomatoes, and going places.. every day when I pick her up from daycare, she asks me, "Mom, where are we GOing?"

Winnie has learned how to count.. not just recite the numbers. Her reward for counting correctly is tickling. She is very tall now and certainly has a mind of her own. She loves the beach, Edward Scissorhands, high heels, cherry tomatoes, and going places.. every day when I pick her up from daycare, she asks me, "Mom, where are we GOing?"
mid-August: Win is 39" tall (and in the 95th percentile in height for her age group)
and weighs 32 pounds (85th percentile).
She has moved into Miss Melanie's class at school and loves her teachers and friends, especially Mr. Don.